
金錢龜小寶的結石 Back


Siu Bo is an over 30 year-old golden Coin Turtle ( Cuora Trifasciata ) living with an old lady. The old lady found Siu Bo’s appetite had dropped for a month and finally became loss of appetite and inactive. She brought her to us, and we found Siu Bo was severely dehydrated and weak. 

siubo the turtle xray

There was a high density oval object inside the caudal region of the coelomic cavity. It could be obstructed in the intestines, urinary bladder or reproductive tracts resulting in loss of appetite.

siubo the turtle xray 2

Siu Bo bear the risk of surgical option if failed to respond the course of medication. 

siubo the turtle recovered

Fortunately, after the intensive care and medical therapy, this oval object was able to pass out. It was a calcified urinary bladder stone. Siu Bo continued the second course of medication and recovered gradually. Siu Bo is now active and eating well again. It’s so blessing. 

 siubo the turtle recovered 2

A correct and good husbandry is very important for turtle health. Please refer to our terrapin husbandry article on the website: and 

Any enquiry about your turtle? Please refer to