
The Meaning Behinds Your Cat’s Strange Behaviors
Cats have distinct personalities and we often find ourselves confused with some of their weird behaviors.
Many cat owners know the rewarding sound of a purr and the loud meow of a hungry cat. It is always the unusual nature of certain vocalizations or actions that make us want to know more about their thinking or feeling.
To be a good cat salves, it is time to read and learn more about the most common strange cat behaviors and their underlying reasons:
Head rubbing
Cats will rub their heads on certain household objects, on their owner’s legs and even on other pets.
This behavior is associated with greeting or someone they are comfortable with, and sharing their pheromones. This is called to as bunting behavior.
Shaking Head
When you observe your cat shaking his head, scratching his head or ears, or walking imbalance, this could indicate an underlying medical problem.
This behavior can often be attributed to an ear infection and inflammation, which should be evaluated and treated by veterinarian. On the other hand, your cat may have an ear polyp, which is a non-cancerous growth originating from the middle ear that are diagnosed by examination of the ear canal and can be removed surgically by veterinarian.
Many cats will use their paws to knead a blanket, soft object or bed rhythmically. This indicates that they are happy and leave their scent or alleviate anxious feelings.
This is an instinctual behavior that cats have retained from their days as kittens, when they would use their paws to stimulate milk letdown from their mothers.
Excessive meowing in the litter box
There are several reasons for this abnormal behavior.
One serious concern would be a urinary tract obstruction, which is very painful and considered a veterinary medical emergency. If you observes your cat frequently spending time in the litter tray, but only producing small amounts of urine or even vocalizing, seek out veterinary care immediately.
A urinary tract infection, inflammation and constipation can also cause your cat to display similar clinical symptoms.
Uncovered feces
Cleaning your cat’s litter tray is a daily ritual for most of cat salves which indirectly helps us become accustomed to our cat’s particular habits.
When our cats suddenly decides to defecate and leave the fecal matter uncovered, we tend to feel something is wrong. This behavior often indicates marking territory or establishing dominance in a household. The uncovered fecal matter may also be your cat’s way of telling you that the litter tray is either too small or too dirty.
You should also be aware of any injuries in your cat’s paw or legs that could be preventing them from covering their fecal matter properly.
Late night activity
Another strange behavior may be observed by cat owners is late night hyperactivity. This could be related to a change in your cat’s sleep schedule resulting in playtime during late night hours. Bored cats will also look for ways entertain themselves, even while you are sleeping during the night time. Providing your cat with interactive and toys can help alleviate this boredom and behavior.
Other reasons for hyperactivity at night could be due to a disease called, hyperthyroidism, which can make your cat feel restless and ravenously hungry. When you suspect your cat may be suffering this disorder, please consult with veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.
Final thoughts
Establishing a close relationship with your cats can help you better understand their particular needs. Regardless of how well you know your cats, there will be sometimes when your cats will act in ways that will make you shake your head.
You should always rule out a medical issue with veterinarian before considering any behavioral issues.
Finally, you should keep tracking of any recurring behaviors that might finally help you understand your favorite cat’s mood and state of mind.