
Husbandry of Terrapins and Tortoise Back

A good and correct husbandry of aquatic turtles and land tortoises is very important for their health. Incorrect husbandry set-up can cause variety of diseases and health problems such as swelling of eyes, bubbles from nose and loss of appetite. In severe cases, some of them may die even with treatment. The most important requirement of the husbandry is space, correct temperature and light source and water quality. Therefore, I would like to share the correct husbandry set-up for your aquatic turtles and land tortoises here.

Aquatic Turtle Husbandry

The aquarium should be at least 2 x 3 sq ft big for a single palm-sized aquatic turtle. This set-up can be achieved by using an all-glass aquarium. An external canister filter should be installed which minimizes water change without compromising water quality. If you do not have a filter system, you should change the water every other day. The depth of the water should be deep enough to cover the whole aquatic turtle and allow them to swim, not walking under the water. You should provide a piece of cork bark or rock as the land and basking area. The heat source should be set above the basking area. Splashproof basking lamp should be used. Keep the basking temperature at 30 – 32 C ( 28 – 30 C for hatching and small sized aquatic turtles ) while measuring from the turtle shell. The distance between the turtle shell and the basking lamp should be around 27 cm and usually the basking temperature is provided. The location of UVB source is very important. It should be set at the same side of basking lamp; therefore, they can receive warmth, light and UVB at the same time. Both basking lamp and UVB should be turned on for 10 – 12 hours daily. The opposite side from the basking area is a cold area where should be at about 25 – 28 C. The different temperature between basking and cold area provides a temperature gradient; therefore, they can choose their preferred temperature to avoid being over heated or cooled. If the size of the tank is not big enough, temperature gradient cannot be set.


I hope this illustration and article give you more idea about the correct husbandry set-up and provide a better captive environment for your terrapin and tortoise.

Common Questions


1. Why do we need to put UVB and basking lamp on the same side?

Ans: It mimics what the Sun provides therefore aquatic turtles and tortoises will absorb adequate amount of UVB to meet their metabolic requirement with heat and light together.


2. Is it ok to provide a red or blue basking lamp for my tortoise?

Ans: No, it isn’t. The red or blue basking lamp does nothing to do with heat but just colour. They may use for nocturnal reptiles but not aquatic turtles and tortoises.


3. Why does it need temperature gradient?

Ans: Aquatic turtles and tortoises are cold-blooded animals and which means they take on the temperature of their surroundings. Therefore, temperature gradient avoids them from being over heated or cooled.


4. What substrate does a tortoise need?

Ans: Try not to use bark or sandy substrates because they will cause partial intestinal impaction for hatching or small tortoises resulting in loss of appetite.


5. Why does a tortoise need water bath?

Ans: Ensure adequate amount of water access to prevent urolith or cloacolith formation.